Tuesday, January 18, 2011

18-365 - Jan.18

Foul or No Foul Moment~~

Basketball at Hoban this evening.  It was a great game, Zack played well (of course I always think he does). Game ended up going into overtime and we lost, but it was still a great game!
My positive spin on the evening:
- I didn't smash a 250# grown man in the face for heckling our kids.

Here's a picture of Zack.  He was fouled for this play...so what do you think? Foul or no foul??
I also love this b/c its straight off the camera, I didn't even pull it into photoshop to brighten up.  And this was some crappy lighting!


  1. PS - You should have thrown an elbow or something at the 250 pounder :) Kim T.

  2. I vote no foul. But I don't know a thing about basketball. I do know that I want your camera. Amazing to get this in crappy gym lighting!
    You should have thrown an elbow or something into the 250 pounder. xo, Kim T.

  3. No foul, and I was there. He was annoying and loud. I'm all for supporting your team but never by heckling the opponents. Great picture. Dad

  4. There was a time when I WOULD have taken on the heckler...

  5. My nephew would not have fouled, unless absolutely necessary!
